PathNorth Master Classes on Meaning

We are fortunate to have within our PathNorth community individuals of great accomplishment, expertise and perspective. These individuals, each with rich experience and competencies, range from high-minded CEOs applying sound vision to public companies; foreign policy experts crafting humane and sensible policies; artistic savants imagining a whole new world; individuals improving the lives of the marginalized through grassroots efforts; and lastly, amazing folks who have a passion for something they want to share with our PathNorth community. 

With this in mind, we have launched the PathNorth Master Classes on Meaning with four virtual offerings (listed below). We believe you will find each instructive and even inspirational. Each class will be an hour-long session held via Zoom and will require the completion of a short assignment prior to the class itself. Participants have the chance to learn from the instructor and ask probing questions. After each session, participants will walk away with three key takeaways. 

PathNorth Master Classes on Meaning will aim to capture and share the knowledge and experience of these gifted individuals. Our goal is to expose our membership to ideas and leaders who will challenge and expand our set views and transport us to a better place. Each Master Class will center on an individual with proven expertise and solid accomplishment in their respective field. 

At this time, the series is only available to PathNorth members. We will operate a waitlist once a class reaches capacity. We anticipate these sessions will be oversubscribed so we recommend you sign up below now if you are interested.


September 29, 5 p.m. ET

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Harness the ability to thrive during critical times in business & life.

Instructor: Coach Dar, PathNorth Senior Fellow; Leadership and Peak Performance Coach to Pro-Athletes and Executives; Former Phoenix Suns Mental Skills Coach

Read more about Coach Dar →


October 12, 5 p.m. ET

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Instructor: Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus, Young & Rubicam; Author, ‘Capitalists, Arise!, ‘The Constant Choice’ and ‘The Source of Success’

Read more about Peter →